Post A Scam
Scam: #25765

Scam Alert


  • Posted By: Anonymous
  • Submitted: 10/18/2023
  • Severity: 10

Tori Anne Rouse aka Tori Rouse


Wichita, Kansas

Tori Anne Rouse aka Tori Rouse:

Somewhere Hiding In Kansas.

Tori Anne Rouse aka Tori Rouse

Beware of Tori Rouse aka Tori Anne Davis.
This stranger woman, Tori Anne Rouse aka Tori Anne Davis (Married to Trey Davis) has been a long-term internet troll and in-person stalker. Tori Rouse aka Tori Davis, still residing somewhere in Kansas, has been stalking, harassing, defaming, committing libel against, terrorizing other women for several years.
Meanwhile, in her pathetic personal life, she has spent approximately two years trying to become pregnant. However, natural pregnancy has been impossible for to accomplish. She has resorted to many fertility clinics & various desperate measure treatments.
When all of the above had failed to work, she became more desperate.
This dangerous scammer, narcissist, manipulator, criminal has now stooped so low that she has copied other criminals by tricking an actual pregnant woman and slicing out her unborn child to claim it as her own.
Be very aware that, at this present time, Tori Anne Rouse aka Tori Davis is pretending to be "pregnant." However, she is not really pregnant. The only thing that is going for her is the fact that her body (At less than 30 years old) is so lumpy, misshaped, mishappen, that faking a pregnancy is quite easy for her & therefore believable.

Her ultimate plan is that, when she is "close to her due date," she will in reality be doing as her criminal predecessors and (As she already has her victim targeted) finding an actual pregnant woman, luring her in with promises of free pregnancy and baby clothes, and then drugging her and surgically slicing out her unborn child to claim as her own.

Sure, she'll publicly post videos of "her" labor, birth, so on and on, but we all know, so well, that these days any and everything can be faked, COMPLETELY FAKED with the magic of technology, Youtube, Tiktok (where she has fake, phony "followers" that, in reality, she bought.
Her so-called "followers" are nothing but Bots.
Bought Bots.

The rest is pretty easy to figure out, as anyone can guess.

These are the consequences of malignant narcissism and growing up a practiced manipulator-It all enables the toxic narcissist to do and get away with so many heinous, egregious acts of violence and self-centered crimes.
Tori Anne Rouse aka Tori Anne Davis has murdered her brother, caused the suicides and deaths of so many other people, scammed and conned hundreds of people out of their life savings, defamed others, and continually terrorized society in so many other ways.
And she has always gotten away with it.
Her husband is mealy-mouthed pushover and never disagrees with her.
Trye Davis is her flying monkey, enabler, and cheerleader, as he is scared of her loud, screeching mouth and unstable moments of violence and unhinged behaviour in private.
Every once in a while, when she screeches at him and berates him, he, a coward like herself, will get on the phone, call from a blocked number, and use a stupidly fake voice to threaten someone.
Poor thing, Trey Davis doesn't have a brave or strong bone in his body.
All he can do is use his extremely low IQ to place phone calls from blocked numbers and hide, in plain site, while pretending to be someone else to threaten people.

When you threaten people, you're supposed to hop to it and show yourself.
So come on, coward, and show yourself.
You may know what she (The object of Terrible Tori's obsession looks like, but you don't know what I look like. And I'm waiting for you, Loser).

Remember Tori:
When you sling mud and defame someone, whether in your videos for your fake, phony, bought-and-paid-for "followers," and/or here or elsewhere, that someone can and will do the same to you.
And consider this:
You no longer can cry to Youtube about "copyright," as Youtube no longer plays into your manipulations.
It's now a two-way street.
Make sure you don't get run over.
So, good luck, Loser.

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Who Scammed You Commenter
Teresa Arasheben, my husband has never and will never take time out of his day to call you. You have many enemies because you do things like this to dozens of people, so maybe you should point the finger at many of the other people you slander and attack online? Leave my family and I alone. My husband does not call you and has never.
Tori Anne Rouse,
I am not Teresa.
However, your obsession with her has gotten very much out of hand.
At some point you'll get it in your muddled brain that Teresa would never take the time to give you the time of day.
However, I have and I will.

Furthermore, you repeatedly prove every single post about you is completely true, accurate, and factual.
You took the time to stalk and troll this site, because you know that you indeed are all of things that so many posts, including this one, have described in perfect detail.
Afterall, if this wasn't describing you, to the letter, then you would have never replied or posted a comment.
But, again, as I and so many others have stated about you, you are not exactly intelligent--Not even a fraction of intelligence resides in your ugly head (And you are are certainly ugly, inside and out, as anyone can objectively see).

And for the public:
You now see, absolutely clearly, that the guilty party has (Again) come to the very posts about her and confirmed that this is indeed her.
How do you find so much free time to troll every site on the internet?
Aren't you supposedly "pregnant,"?
You must not be pregnant, just as the original post states, because no "mother-to-be" has all of this time on her hands to constantly troll, check, re-check, respond to every site.
A "mother-to-be" should be ecstatic, happy, over the moon with excitement. But you, well you're as pathetic as you have ever been, Tori Anne Davis aka Tori Anne Rouse.
After so many years, you're still here and on every other site, addicted, stuck, obsessed (As so aptly stated by Davis Sederman).

I easily believe everything posted about you (And your weasel, wimpy husband).
You prove it all true, each and every day.

You're weirdo, a psychotic, a sociopath, and very possibly a psychopath.

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